For sure my life has changed a lot but also stayed the same. I have a different job but live in the same house. I am older, but probably not wiser. I still have 3 cats but only one dog now. It has been 5 months since my papillon chihuahua Violet passed away - she had kidney disease. She really was one of the big loves of my life. But enough time has passed now that I am working with another rescue group and I hope to adopt a new dog this summer. So my remaining dog is my Pug Noodles. But he is also 15 now. Why can't our pets live forever?
Or maybe they do...I like to believe her spirit is still with me.
Anyway 2018 - it is close to half over and it has been quite the year and I don't really mean that in a good way although I wish I did. It started off with Violet getting sick and then me having to make the decision to put her to sleep. Five days later, I was walking Noodles up the driveway and I slipped on the ice and hit my head. Eric rushed me to the hospital - there was a lot of blood. I believe, while I was never formally diagnosed, that I had a mild concussion. But I am good as new now although that set the tone for the year.
I have actually had a few more health scares since then but somehow I have prevailed. So maybe that is what I need to focus on--gratitude. I used to be so good at that but sometimes I forget to stop and just be grateful for all that I have in my life. So this is my reminder; maybe get out that gratitude journal.
My blog, in the past, always included a lot of photos but I think I may just write from now on. I love pictures, however, and you can check them out on my Instagram. I am under lesli13.
I think that is it for now. I hope to be back.
P.S. I looked. I last blogged in 2015!